Present Simple (Упражнения)

Упражнение 1

  1. Dogs bark to communicate.
  2. Buses carry people from place to place.
  3. Birds fly south for winter.
  4. Fish swim in schools.
  5. Trees produce leaves in the Spring.
  6. Rivers flow toward the sea.
  7. Children laugh easily.
  8. People breathe air to survive.
  9. Clouds float in the sky.
  10. Light travels fast through vacuum.

Упражнение 2

  1. Animals sleep to rest their bodies.
  2. Water cools the body in hot summer weather.
  3. Music entertains listeners.
  4. Babies cry for attention.
  5. Books teach knowledge.
  6. Laughter brings joy.
  7. Moon controls ocean’s tides.
  8. Roses smell sweet.
  9. Actions cause consequences.
  10. Love makes humans happy.

Упражнение 3

  1. The Earth rotates on its axis once a day – Creating night and daytime cycles.
  2. Trees grow new leaves every Spring as part of their natural cycle.
  3. Dolphins communicate via echolocation – Using high-pitched sounds waves reflect off objects.
  4. Sunflowers follow sunlight throughout the day with their heliotropism action.
  5. Penguins huddle close together during frigid Antarctic cold weather snugness.
  6. Some light-sensitive plants close leaf pores to prevent dehydration when bright lights flash.
  7. Honeybees perform complex coordinated tasks relying heavily on instinctual memory to thrive.
  8. Blacksmiths hammer metals red-hot with tongs until desired shape changes harden in cool.
  9. Waves erode rock formations relentlessly pounding shores around land masses into sand via attrition.

Упражнение 4

  1. «Hello! How can I assist you today?»
  2. «What would you like me to do for you? Just ask.»
  3. «Do you need any specific information or guidance on something?»
  4. «Let me look up that information for you if you want.»
  5. «How may I best organize my replies for your convenience?»
  6. «If there’s anything you would like me to write for you just tell me!»
  7. «For example: Let’s say you need help writing a paper—is this correct?»
  8. «We could start by drafting the outline together, unless you have already started working on one yourself»
  9. «And don’t worry, I am here to listen until you are satisfied with my understanding of what you want from this project!—fire away at whatever pace feels comfortable to you».

Упражнение 5

  1. She listens carefully as her teacher explains the history assignment.
  2. He practices typing every day after school to improve his skills.
  3. They meet at their favorite coffee shop once a week to catch up.
  4. She spends two hours studying chemistry each night before bedtime.
  5. He walks his dog around the block twice daily for exercise.
  6. She wakes up early every morning to meditate and stretch before starting her day.
  7. They schedule biweekly staff meetings on Fridays to discuss projects and goals.
  8. He reads at least one book per month to expand his knowledge base.
  9. She cooks healthy meals three times a day to maintain a balanced diet.
  10. They keep their work space organized and tidy throughout the workday.

Упражнение 6

• He eats breakfast every morning at seven o’clock sharp.
• She always makes time in the morning to journal personal thoughts before checking emails.
• They often take training courses online to update job skill sets.
• He consistently arrives five minutes earlier than expected wherever he goes.
• They rarely watch TV because they find movies or books preferable entertainment.
• Her passion is playing classical piano but she prefers private practice to public performance.
• Dogs require bathing and grooming every six weeks for optimal pet quality living conditions.
• Taking daily vitamin supplements such as Vitamin B can help bolster energy levels naturally.
• Organizing laundry into color piles makes folding and cleaning easier and less confusion during wash cycles.

Упражнение 7

  1. Students who attend classes regularly tend to perform better academically than those who do not.
  2. Teachers assign homework to reinforce classroom learning objectives.
  3. Science experiments conducted in laboratories aid comprehension of complex scientific principles.
  4. English composition essays challenge students’ critical thinking skills about literature.
  5. World history course curriculums educate learners about global cultures from ancient times until modern eras.
  6. Mathematical computations involving algebra equations help strengthen problem-solving capabilities.
  7. Fine arts programs enhance creative expression through music performances and art studio projects.
  8. Physical education provides regular physical activity sessions for healthy development and wellness.
  9. Foreign language acquisition equips pupils with communication tools to interact internationally.
  10. Career services available at schools offer guidance on college major selections after graduating seniors.

Упражнение 8

  1. Updating antivirus software keeps computer systems safe against malware threats.
  2. Connecting printer devices via USB cables allows printing capability directly from personal computers.
  3. Powerpoint presentations deliver efficient ways of conveying ideas concisely during business meetings.
  4. Windows updates optimize device performance by fixing vulnerabilities or security flaws.
  5. Organizing data in Excel spreadsheets enables fast retrieval for analysis or forecasting purposes.
  6. Downloading PDF files assists users in reading documents without needing Adobe Acrobat installed.
  7. Retrieval of internet browsing histories may change Safari, Chrome, Firefox settings accidentally overwritten.
  8. Remote desktop sharing between peers permits troubleshooting issues when IT support isn’t readily accessible.
  9. Burning CDs can store important records offline from cloud backup storage systems, saving space.
  10. Typing search queries into web browsers swiftly converts answers needed like Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, etc.

Упражнение 9

  1. Cooking meals at home is cheaper than eating out frequently.
  2. Household chores like dusting provide clean environments where living spaces remain tidier.
  3. Doing laundry involves washing dirty clothes thoroughly before storing back in drawers/closets.
  4. Organizing belongings helps keep rooms visually appealing amidst busy schedules.
  5. Air freshening solutions offer pleasant scents versus stagnant odors while deodorizing environments.
  6. Vacuuming carpets on the floor eliminates built-up dirt collected over several weeks.
  7. Freezing leftovers makes planned mealtime simpler; maintaining fresh ingredients stocked saves time later cooking a whole meal again from scratch.
  8. Sewing buttons onto garments extends the life of clothing beyond wear and tear scenarios.
  9. Cleaning shower walls helps prevent mildew growth even if ventilation systems aren’t functioning ideally since hot steam stays inside enclosed bathrooms causing condensation.
  10. Soaking dishes in warm water promotes easier silverware cleaning tasks without relying on harsh chemicals damaging hands either during food preparation or washing up later when attempting ware washing alone.

Упражнение 10

  1. Fabric wrinkles can be easily smoothened flat by running an iron over them.
  2. Steam produced through pressing cloth helps loosen difficult knots as items become unfolds more quickly.
  3. Shirts are straightened faster employing technique: set default temperature ideal for specific type of fabric based on care label information not to damage fiber materials chemically.
  4. Loading wrinkled dress shirts vertically provides easy access across sleeves/cuff links when preheated/regular iron; consider steamer as another option albeit not travel-friendly.
  5. Setting proper weight distribution while maneuvering hard/stone surfaces avoids skid marks created on clothes because non-fabric based material might get burned underneath causing fires. Always test before.
  6. Keep sharp point pressed towards fabric to minimize burning potential (metal touching other metal); prevent knickknacks when folding corners accidentally. Keep track.
  7. Regularly cleaning iron components removes any buildup ensuring optimum functionality maintaining original state similar to new model characteristics including controlled water dispersal through spray nozzle.
  8. Maintaining consistent humidity levels indoors prevents moisture trapping within fabrics once ironed either light air purification strategies for dry winter months heightened heater usage OR utilization of dehumidifiers clearing up heavy air for warmer seasons. Modify environment depending on location climate zones adjusting room temperatures smart thermostat usage. Living conditions make a difference — monitoring closely reduces laundry costs. Avoid wearing same things multiple days conserving energy bills!
  9. Helping prevent fabric overloads ironing minimal amounts combined maximizes efficiency waiting until pile has reduced size worth ironing manageable clothes segments rather than one large pile which could lead to short circuits leading to appliance destruction likely covered under warranty but situations result inconvenience having to wait maybe shipping it for weeks multiplied uphill challenges especially frustration.