Present Perfect (Упражнения)

Упражнение 1

  1. I have finished all my tasks for today.
  2. We have completed our team project successfully.
  3. She has won three awards at the ceremony last night.
  4. They have lived in this city since their childhood.
  5. He has been working hard on his research paper for months.
  6. You have achieved so many goals you set out to accomplish.
  7. The company has built a strong reputation over the years.
  8. This technology has changed the world as we know it forever.
  9. The new restaurant has become a popular spot among food lovers in town.
  10. The student has made excellent progress in her language studies recently.

Упражнение 2

  1. The cheetah has been running across Africa since it first emerged from its den. This is still an extraordinary display of endurance, which commands our admiration to this day.
  2. Our domestic cats have been traveling the world, moving household by household in search of affectionate petters and delicious food scraps. For some reason, they always know when you need company most too!
  3. After roaming free in Europe and Asia, ancient wild aurochs finally died out in Poland during the Renaissance. They never seemed content being hemmed in by human borders.
  4. Working dogs have assisted people everywhere in tasks ranging from sledding to bomb detection for well over 25 years now. By ensuring both companionship and security, these devoted canine companions continue to secure themselves important places in daily human history just like their ancestors did!
  5. Despite much initial resistance, wolves at Yellowstone Park were reintroduced via federal efforts around 1998 after decades absence. Since then wolf populations slowly rebounded even improving surrounding ecosystems for which both park visitors and tourism benefit alike.
  6. Bluefin tuna caught outside California waters last year alone fetched an average price of almost $7 million per fish. No wonder aquaculture plans spreading along southern coast — now bluefin farming ranks fifth globally overall.
  7. Plastic waste floods our oceans caused marine animals great distress ripples from another terrible side effect pollution brings. Litterati app helping crowdsources beach cleanups and offers photo features such as tags comprised only recycled materials where users can show some pride in civic cleanup responsibilities public good showcased genuinely appreciate these pictures beautiful occasions making planet better!

Упражнение 3

  1. She has earned two degrees one Bachelor’s Degree another Master’s degree at state university, which gave students national top rankings becoming knowledgeable.
  2. New teaching models in Finland radically changed the educational system efficacy dispelling skepticism where pupils soar above international peers seeking other countries emulate success.
  3. Texas Christian University saw exponential surge alumni donations empowering expansion renaming buildings honoring benefactors thus fostering scholarships spirit sportiveness grows initiatives mature positively making an impact thriving prosperously.
  4. The department heads have conducted extensive teacher development sessions promoting best practices proficiently pushing teachers toward differentiation standards multiplying potential for learners absorbing higher levels conceptual depth of understanding now desirous to teach courses.

Упражнение 4

  1. Starbucks has opened numerous stores across diverse locations offering customers convenient accessibility.
  2. Stephen Hawking inspired scientists with his discoveries and groundbreaking theories regarding black holes’ behavior.
  3. People applauded Jason Momoa’s breathtaking performance as Aquaman including full-body language embodiment charisma.
  4. Vegas hosts countless entertainment options diversifying leisure activities catering to audiences’ varying interests.
  5. Hubspot released updated features allowing businesses to track clients’ interactions through custom email signatures transparency thereby ameliorating customer experience in the ever-changing landscape.

Упражнение 5

  1. «My boss has approved the project proposal we submitted yesterday.»
  2. «The scientists have discovered several new species during their research trip to the rainforest.»
  3. «Have you ever tried skydiving?»
  4. «The company has reported record profits for the third quarter in a row.»
  5. «We have completed all of the tasks on our checklist so far today.»
  6. «The chef at Michelin-starred restaurant Acme has cooked many delicious meals.»
  7. «Congratulations on your promotion to President, Sarah!» (noting past actions but relevant to current situation)
  8. «Heather has been sick since last weekend and hasn’t been able to come into work until now.»
  9. «Every morning I make sure my kitchen has been tidied up before starting any other chores.»
  10. «Most cacti have drought tolerance which makes them popular houseplants.»

Упражнение 6

  1. «I have eaten breakfast already.»
  2. «They have driven thousands of miles across America this month for business trips.»
  3. «She has forgiven her boyfriend even though he cheated earlier.»
  4. «You have studied hard tonight and hopefully you will do well tomorrow on your exam.»
  5. «The students have read five chapters in their history textbook since they were assigned for homework.»
  6. «I have written down ideas for my novel, hoping to finish it soon.»
  7. «Athletes have trained over years to excel at the Olympics.»
  8. «The birds singing outside of windows have woken you up early this fine day.»
  9. «The firefighter quickly realized he had not turned off his stove and returned back to prevent potential hazards.»
  10. «The travelers having explored many different countries still prefer visiting familiar places where they feel comfortable staying there.»

Упражнение 7

  1. She has gone swimming every day this summer to keep fit.
  2. They have traveled to many countries around Europe.
  3. He has lived here in London for over 10 years and knows all the best restaurants and bars in town.
  4. We have waited patiently for hours but finally, we got a response from customer support.
  5. She has danced ballet since she was little girl and often performs in front of large crowds.
  6. I have forgotten what was I saying just one second ago because of interruption caused by barking dog.
  7. Children have played in the yard or park lately without mothers to spend time together despite the heat wave making grass scorching hot.
  8. Serious parking problem has occurred recently because drivers decide to double-park instead of finding proper space leaving public roads narrowed if sometimes cars were actually relocated. The city has started deploying car recovery teams to conveniently restrict disobeyers by fines.

Упражнение 8

  1. I have studied hard for my exams all night.
  2. You have finished your work early today.
  3. They have played football every day this week.
  4. We have practiced yoga in the morning since last month.
  5. He/She has completed his/her tasks efficiently.
  6. Children have grown so fast in just two years!
  7. Our company has achieved great success since our founding in 2000.
  8. The bridge has been renovated after the hurricane caused damage.
  9. My family has celebrated Christmas with joyful spirits every year.
  10. Civilization has evolved significantly over thousands of years of human history.

Упражнение 9

  1. John has swum eight laps already during practice.
  2. Violet has watered her plants before leaving on vacation.
  3. The baker has made delicious cookies as usual for daily sales.
  4. Zoe has danced with grace at the recital yesterday.
  5. Spain has won the World Cup three times overall.
  6. The couple has saved money wisely and invested well for retirement.
  7. Technology has advanced tremendously due to innovations from smart minds around the world.
  8. Paris has become a center of fashion industry in Europe because of influential designers living there.
  9. Scientists have created a vaccine that can cure coronavirus effectively.
  10. Apple trees have provided fresh fruits while renewing their growth year after year.

Упражнение 10

  1. Kenya has always believed in Santa Claus until she learned otherwise.
  2. London has had snowfall twice this winter season according to locals.
  3. Congratulations, Sarah has accepted a job offer from Google!
  4. Brewers have applied technology for automating processes and improving quality control.
  5. Our team has planned several video game events this summer in preparation.
  6. Disneyland Resorts have added exciting new attractions to attract visitors globally.
  7. Students who have mastery understanding outperform others academically usually.
  8. Organic produce often sells better than conventionally farmed crops nowadays.
  9. Toyota vehicles are known for having high fuel efficiency compared to competitors.
  10. Estimates suggest about six billion tons of plastic waste pollutes landfills permanently worldwide

Упражнение 11

  1. I have eaten breakfast already.
  2. She has gone to the gym every day this week.
  3. They have seen that movie before.
  4. He has lost his phone again.
  5. We have found a new restaurant to try.
  6. You have slept for ten hours.
  7. The dog has bitten the mailman twice.
  8. He has drunk too much coffee today.
  9. We have driven to the beach for the weekend.
  10. She has worn that dress to three parties already.
  11. They have given us great recommendations for the trip.
  12. I have written a new song.

Упражнение 12

  1. The car has broken down twice this month.
  2. He has run a marathon before.
  3. We have learned the rules of the game.
  4. You have seen the Northern Lights.
  5. The teacher has graded the test papers.
  6. She has cooked a delicious meal for us.
  7. They have traveled to many countries.
  8.  He has caught a fish in the river.
  9. We have visited the Grand Canyon.
  10. You have studied the language for five years.
  11. The company has announced a new product.
  12. He has bought a new car.
  13. We have decided to move to a different city.
  14. She has received an award for her work.

Упражнение 13

  1. They have climbed a mountain in the Alps.
  2. I have broken my ankle.
  3. The book has become a bestseller.
  4. He has sung in a choir before.
  5. We have renovated the house last year.
  6. You have played the guitar since high school.
  7. The children have grown up so fast.
  8. She has won a scholarship to study abroad.
  9. They have volunteered at a shelter for homeless people.
  10. He has ridden a motorcycle across the country.
  11. We have built a new deck in the backyard.
  12. You have worked at the same company for ten years.
  13. The artist has painted a series of portraits.

Упражнение 14

  1. She has donated money to charity every year.
  2. They have hosted a party for their friends.
  3. I have lost my keys again.
  4. The garden has produced an abundance of vegetables.
  5. He has jumped out of an airplane.
  6. We have attended a music festival.
  7. You have received a promotion at work.
  8. The restaurant has received a Michelin star.
  9. She has competed in a triathlon.
  10. They have adopted a rescue dog.
  11. He has ridden a horse on the beach.
  12. We have dealt with a lot of stress lately.
  13. You have taken a photography class.

Упражнение 15

  1. The movie has won several awards.
  2. She has written a book on human psychology.
  3. They have started a new business.
  4. He has scuba dived in the Great Barrier Reef.
  5. We have backpacked through Europe.
  6. You have coached a youth sports team.
  7. The chef has created unique dishes.
  8. She has passed her driving test.
  9. They have worked on a farm for a summer.
  10. I have forgotten my friend’s birthday.
  11. The company has invested in renewable energy.

Упражнение 16

  1. He has played in a band for ten years.
  2. We have gone hiking in the mountains.
  3. You have taught English abroad.
  4. The book has been adapted into a movie.
  5. She has designed her own clothing line.
  6. They have gone on a safari in Africa.
  7. He has designed a skyscraper.
  8. We have taken a road trip across the country.
  9. You have sung in a church choir.
  10. The politician has implemented new policies.

Упражнение 17

  1. She has created a successful YouTube channel.
  2. They have completed a triathlon together.
  3. He has kayaked through a canyon.
  4. We have run a half marathon.
  5. You have completed a crossword puzzle.
  6. The company has expanded into new markets.
  7. She has directed a play at a local theater.
  8. They have gone on a backpacking trip in the wilderness.
  9. I have sprained my ankle playing basketball.
  10. The artist has exhibited their work in a gallery.
  11. He has won a gold medal in the Olympics.
  12. We have gone on a cruise to the Caribbean.
  13. You have baked a cake from scratch.

Упражнение 18

  1. The band has released a new album.
  2. She has competed in a beauty pageant.
  3. They have worked on a farm since they were kids.
  4. He has flown a plane as a hobby.
  5. We have visited the Great Wall of China.
  6. You have played in a golf tournament.
  7. The company has launched a new product line.
  8. She has created a successful blog.
  9. They have gone on a camping trip in the wilderness.
  10. He has rafted down a river.
  11. We have gone snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains.
  12. You have completed a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
  13. The school has implemented new educational programs.
  14. She has acted in a community theater production.
  15. They have learned how to surf in Hawaii.
  16. I have burnt the lasagna in the oven.
  17. The artist has sculpted a masterpiece.

Упражнение 19

  1. He has won a poker tournament.
  2. We have gone on a safari in Tanzania.
  3. You have volunteered at a local food bank.
  4. The company has acquired a new business.
  5. She has started her own non-profit organization.
  6. They have gone on a backpacking trip in South America.
  7. He has driven a race car on a track.
  8. We have visited the Taj Mahal in India.
  9. You have played in a youth orchestra.
  10. The company has achieved record sales this year.
  11. She has written a screenplay for a movie.
  12. They have gone on a ski trip in the Swiss Alps.
  13. He has bungee jumped from a bridge.

Упражнение 20

  1. We have visited Machu Picchu in Peru.
  2. You have volunteered at a hospital.
  3. The company has merged with a competitor.
  4. She has started her own tech startup.
  5. They have gone on a backpacking trip in Asia.
  6. I have twisted my ankle playing soccer.
  7. The artist has created a mural in the city.
  8. He has won a bodybuilding competition.
  9. We have gone on a safari in Kenya.
  10. You have played in a pick-up basketball game.
  11. The company has collaborated with a celebrity.
  12. She has started a new fashion trend.
  13. They have gone on a road trip across Australia.

Упражнение 21

  1. He has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.
  2. We have visited the Colosseum in Rome.
  3. You have performed in a high school play.
  4. The company has entered a new market segment.
  5. She has started her own gourmet food business.
  6. They have gone on a backpacking trip in Europe.
  7. He has gone skydiving in Dubai.
  8. We have visited the Great Barrier Reef.
  9. You have volunteered at an animal shelter.
  10. The company has launched a successful social media campaign.
  11. She has written a best-selling mystery novel.
  12. They have gone on a bike trip across the United States.
  13. I have strained my back lifting weights.
  14. The artist has designed a public art installation.
  15. He has won a championship in mixed martial arts.
  16. We have visited the pyramids in Egypt.
  17. You have played in a community soccer league.
  18. The company has introduced a new loyalty program.
  19. She has started her own organic farm.
  20. They have gone on a backpacking trip in New Zealand.
  21. He has climbed Mount Everest.