Present Continuous (Упражнения)

Упражнение 1

  1. I am listening to my favorite podcast as I walk home from work.
  2. My sister is playing tennis at the park while her kids are taking their naps.
  3. Our friends are cooking dinner together tonight so they can catch up on each other’s news.
  4. Your brother is practicing his piano performance for tomorrow night’s concert.
  5. The birds outside our window are singing beautifully this morning.
  6. We are making plans for our summer vacation next weekend, looking forward for some quality time with family.
  7. My friend just called me that he is running late for our coffee meetup today, apologies followed as well.
  8. The developer team who have been working overtime last month are still coding now after all these hours — wow? Or zzzz…

Упражнение 2

  1. The lion is roaring powerfully in its territory, scaring off any potential threats.
  2. The squirrel is gathering acorns for the winter season ahead.
  3. The wolves are hunting elk in the dense forest.
  4. The chimpanzee is grooming itself, cleaning each hair with precision.
  5. The giraffe is eating tall leaves from the trees of the savannah.
  6. The parking attendant is feeding the parking meters to ensure customers won’t receive fines.
  7. The mother dog is teaching her puppies valuable survival skills.
  8. The cat is rubbing against its owner’s legs seeking affection.
  9. The polar bear is drifting on a frozen ice sheet searching for food.
  10. The owl is hooting softly through the moonlit woods.

Упражнение 3

  1. The cat is meowing softly, looking for food.
  2. She is dancing gracefully around her living room, enjoying the music.
  3. He is studying hard in his library cubicle, surrounded by books and notes.
  4. They are walking hand in hand, admiring the beauty of the beach.
  5. It is raining heavily outside, making traffic slow and slippery.
  6. Children are playing joyfully together on the playground equipment.
  7. He is writing an email to his manager, updating him on progress made.
  8. She is applying paint to canvas, trying out new brushstrokes.
  9. Birds are singing melodiously early in the morning before the day gets busy.
  10. Families are gathering on Thanksgiving Day to give thanks and enjoy each other’s company over delicious food.

Упражнение 4

  1. Mom is chopping vegetables with precision and skill. (regular verb)
  2. Typists are typing documents efficiently on their computers. (irregular verb)
  3. Drivers are driving cars carefully through difficult weather conditions. (irregular verb)
  4. Librarians are filing materials meticulously in order to maintain organization. (regular verb)
  5. Baseball players are pitching fastballs powerfully at maximum velocity. (irregular verb)
  6. Art students are painting masterpieces with inspiration and passion. (irregular verb)
  7. Ants are scurrying frantically with purpose and direction. (regular verb)
  8. Explorers are navigating treacherous terrain with compasses in hand. (irregular verb)
  9. Physicians are performing surgeries professionally and expertly. (irregular verb)
  10. Dinosaurs are roaming majestically though long extinct as species in reality versus imaginations thereof! (this final sentence includes both a past participle and infinitives constructed with «be» which function roughly as pluperfect tenses describing imagined but non existent events)

Упражнение 5

  1. The sun is shining brightly today and will remain so throughout tomorrow.
  2. Guests are pouring in to join us at dinner tonight, already they have exceeded expectations.
  3. Engineers are brainstorming creative solutions to address issues encountered when constructing the bridge.
  4. Detectives are eagerly pursuing every available lead in the case, turning no stone unturned.
  5. Paramedics quickly assess emergency situations and swiftly administer life-saving treatments.
  6. Pilots thoughtfully plan routes and adjust flight paths as necessary while manning the controls.
  7. Shepherd dogs patiently guide flocks from danger and back home via audio cues only known to them.
  8. Marathon runners intently focus on maintaining pace for miles and months while running towards victory.
  9. Lions fearlessly stake territorial claims in search for mate and dominion on savannah preserves.
  10. Vampires hungrily seek out prey despite risking being exposed or hunted down mercilessly. (vampirism is fictitious just so we are clear!)

Упражнение 6

  1. Mountaineers are scaling mountains all around the globe, facing extreme weather conditions, altitude sickness, and mental endurance challenges.
  2. Accountants are balancing financial statements, calculating tax obligations, and advising clients on business decisions.
  3. Gardners are planting seeds, caring for flowers, and cultivating fresh produce in urban gardens and backyard plots.
  4. Marine biologists are exploring coral reefs, tracking marine life behavior, and collecting samples for scientific analysis.
  5. Chefs are experimenting with flavors, testing recipes, and perfecting culinary creations that delight diners.
  6. Bakers are kneading breads, piping icing, and decorating cakes for weddings, birthdays, and special occasions.
  7. Plumbers are fixing leaky faucets, replacing old pipelines, and installing heating systems in homes and commercial buildings.
  8. Technical writers are creating user manuals, instruction guides, and product documentation for software, hardware, and electronics industries.
  9. Geographers are mapping landscapes, analyzing geological features, and monitoring changes in global climate.
  10. Fashion designers are sketching designs, choosing fabrics, and assembling garments showcased on runways or available online for consumers worldwide.

Упражнение 7

  1. Yogis are practicing mindful poses and meditation techniques at yoga retreats.
  2. Musicians are playing instruments at festivals, concert halls, and music venues worldwide.
  3. Environmental activists are advocating for sustainability measures like recycling programs and renewable energy initiatives.
  4. Pilots are flying planes and ensuring passengers have smooth, safe flights.
  5. Engineers are testing prototypes and designing innovative products for future technology.
  6. Athletes are training rigorously for competitive events, such as marathons, triathlons, and obstacle courses.
  7. Historians are researching historical artifacts and cultural practices to preserve knowledge of the past for generations to come.
  8. Mothers are nurturing their children with love and guidance as they raise families.
  9. Policy makers are crafting laws and regulations aimed at promoting social justice and equality.
  10. Painters are creating breathtaking artwork that captures beauty, emotions, and the human experience.

Упражнение 8

  1. Mountain climbers are braving steep inclines, gusts of wind, and freezing temperatures to reach the summit.
  2. Journalists are interviewing sources and gathering information for breaking news stories.
  3. Landscapers are mowing lawns and pruning shrubs to make public parks look attractive.
  4. Doctors are performing surgeries in operating rooms to save lives.
  5. Nurses are taking care of patients by checking vital signs, administering medication, and providing emotional support.
  6. Researchers are analyzing data sets to identify patterns that can lead to breakthrough discoveries.
  7. Policemen are patrolling neighborhoods to deter crime and protect residents.
  8. Construction workers are erecting skyscrapers, bridges, and highways to connect communities.
  9. Actors are performing on stage in front of live audiences in dramatic productions.
  10. Teachers are inspiring students to learn, grow, and achieve academic success in classrooms.

Упражнение 9

  1. The gym instructor is demonstrating proper form to a group of exercisers at the fitness center.
  2. Architects are working together to create detailed plans for a new building project.
  3. Firefighters are training intensely at the fire station in preparation for emergencies.
  4. Sunflowers are turning towards the sun as it shines brightly overhead in the fields.
  5. Drivers are honking their horns impatiently in traffic jam.
  6. Artists are painting beautiful portraits in their studios.
  7. Scientists are conducting experiments in laboratories to test out new theories.
  8. Cooks are chopping vegetables quickly and precisely in professional kitchens.
  9. Volunteers are organizing donations of food and clothing at homeless shelter.
  10. Travel bloggers are documenting their journeys across different countries.

Упражнение 10

  1. I am writing an email to my boss while sipping on coffee at my desk.
  2. She is playing fetch with her dog outside as she watches the sun set.
  3. He is driving his car carefully through heavy traffic.
  4. They are laughing and chatting with friends over dinner at their favorite restaurant.
  5. Children are dancing along to their favorite song during recess.
  6. The chef is cooking up delicious meals for the lunch rush.
  7. Birds are singing melodiously in the trees as they fly from branch to branch.
  8. The gardener is watering the plants in the garden to keep them healthy.
  9. Students are studying hard for exams in silence at the library.
  10. A tour guide is leading visitors around the city, sharing interesting facts and stories about each place they visit.